Events for Mar 8, 2023 - Feb 21, 2023

Movie Night!

Ukrainian League of Philadelphia 800 N 23rd St, Philadelphia

Movie Night! "Up in Smoke" Thursday, April 20th at 7:30pm Doors open at 6:30pm.

Chess Night!

Ukrainian League of Philadelphia 800 N 23rd St, Philadelphia

Chess Night. Every Tuesday at 7pm.

Open Mic Night!

Ukrainian League of Philadelphia 800 N 23rd St, Philadelphia

Open Mic Night Thurs. April 27th at 8pm. Doors open at 7:30pm.

Chess Tuesdays!

Ukrainian League of Philadelphia 800 N 23rd St, Philadelphia

Vinyl Night!

Ukrainian League of Philadelphia 800 N 23rd St, Philadelphia

Sixers Playoffs!

Ukrainian League of Philadelphia 800 N 23rd St, Philadelphia

Chess Tuesdays!

Ukrainian League of Philadelphia 800 N 23rd St, Philadelphia

Jazz Night!

Ukrainian League of Philadelphia 800 N 23rd St, Philadelphia

Chess Tuesdays!

Ukrainian League of Philadelphia 800 N 23rd St, Philadelphia

Movie Night!

Ukrainian League of Philadelphia 800 N 23rd St, Philadelphia

Live Music!

Ukrainian League of Philadelphia 800 N 23rd St, Philadelphia

Chess Tuesdays!

Ukrainian League of Philadelphia 800 N 23rd St, Philadelphia