Rental SpacesThe Ukrainian League of Philadelphia has rental space available for members and non-members. - Parties - - Concerts - - Workshops - - Performances - - Rehearsals - - Film screenings - - Arts and crafts groups - - Club meetings - - Board meetings - - Dance classes - - and more - We are here and ready to meet your needs! Hall Rental 1320 sq ft hall with 125 person capacity 384 sq ft stage with speakers Central A/C and heat Chairs for Seating Ten 5ft wide round tables Four 8ft x 2.5ft long tables Use of caterer's kitchen Separate unstocked bar space CLICK HERE for a printable version of our hall rental brochure Book Our Hall NewsletterSign up to get the latest news and updates and join our mailing list I agree that my submitted data is being collected and stored. Leave this field empty if you're human: Contact UsTitle of the block AddressUkrainian League of Philadelphia800 North 23rd StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19130Contact InfoOffice: (215) 684-2180Bar: (215) 684-3548ukrainianleaguephl@gmail.comBar HoursThursday - Saturday: 6PM - 2AMSunday: Open for all Eagles games